
About Me

I have spent the last 15 years of my professional career, helping organizations develop People Management strategies in order to leverage organizational models to meet future business needs.

Like the market itself, my expertise has evolved to encompass organizational excellence which I strategically applies to help businesses respond with agility to changing markets.

Today, I hold the position of GBPs Managing Director and Advisor to different companies in Europe and Latin America, I lead GBP’s client-facing strategies and sales. My approach, both within the firm and with Clients, transforms organizational and operational processes in ways that support new ways of working (organizational design) and developing organizational cultures rooted in collaboration and co-creation.

My background as researcher in behavioral economics as well as HR Executive and Advisor alongside different industries, gives me a unique perspective that helps me find innovative solutions for any challenge brought to my hands.

Working for Community

I try to stay connected to different communities while volunteering in local programs as Programa Lidera (Madrid), Asociación La Kalle (Madrid), Mentoring Program at ESADE Business School or as a member of PPM (Polish Professionals in Madrid).

Working for community gives me a broader look outside of my daily routine and helps me keep things in perspective.

Polish Professionals in Madrid

Polish Professionals in Madrid is a non-profit organisation that brings together professionals from a wide range of disciplines, who live and work in Madrid.
PPM has attracted a number of highly educated and skilled Poles who want to build their professional and social network with their Polish peers as well as develop business opportunities between Spain and Poland.

Asociación Cultural La Kalle

Basically, Association La Kalle works in Vallecas neighborhood (Madrid) with young women and men at risk of social exclusion. The mission of this NGO is to develop the beneficiaries’ potential, help them get job qualification and learn the trade.


Programa Lidera

Is an ambitious program of professional guidance, advice and training, designed for executive women who currently work in Madrid and who are interested in developing their leadership skills.


European Professional Women’s Network: brings together management-level women from a variety of businesses and professions: from multinational companies to small businesses to entrepreneurs. Our objective is to provide a cross-generational networking, experience-sharing and leadership training platform to international professional women based in Spain.

Colleagues and Partners

I have the great privilege of working with some of the most talented and smart people. Each one has a deep expertise in its area, always sharing their knowledge, ideas, fun, and most of all, creating a “wow” experience for our clients.


Franciso Loscos
Franciso Loscos
International Consultant, Inspirator and Professor in Organizational Development, Leadership and Innovation.
María Inés Mujia
María Inés Mujia
Consultant in Organizational Development and Talent Management. Argentina
Guillermo Brea
Guillermo Brea
Independent Consultant in Branding, Designer & Director in Brea & Asociados. Professor at Univeristy of Buenos Aires.
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Rocío Ruiz
Rocío Ruiz
Independent Consultant in Organizational Development & Coach.
Spain, Madrid
Jaime Viñals
Jaime Viñals
Motivational Speaker, Mountaineer, Biologist & Author.
Alena Emilova
Alena Emilova
International Consultant in Strategy for Innovation & Organizational Transformation. Austria, UK, Spain, Portugal
Idés De Vos
Idés De Vos
International Systemic Business Coach & Management Consultant.
Joanna Ciborowska
Joanna Ciborowska
Free-lance Consultant in Internationalisation & Marketing.
Poland, Spain
Javier Loscos
Javier Loscos
International Consultant specialized in Organizational Development and Start-up Projects. Professor at ESADE Tourisme Business School and Professor at Berklee School of Music. Spain
Gemma Carrió
Gemma Carrió
Independent Consultant and Executive Coach Organizational Change and Leadership Development.
Spain, Barcelona
Begoña San José
Begoña San José


Neethling Brain Instruments


“Como profesor y coach, Bárbara supo estimularnos para que pensáramos y actuáramos en equipo. Antes de empezar la asignatura ya nos había pre-analizado y con sólo compartir unas pocas actividades tuvo la capacidad de poder entendernos y definirnos perfectamente.  ¡Supo implicarse en su justa medida para sacar lo mejor de nosotros sin duda alguna!  ¡Gracias Bárbara!”

Marta Vidal Ollé, CEO Vallformosa

“Working with Barbara was more than a great professional and personal experience. She challenged each one of our team to discover hidden skills and personal qualities the both in ourselves and in our colleagues. Under her coaching we lived a unique up to now dynamic, which allowed us to experience the most creative side of ourselves.

Alexandra Kamilindi, International Business Professional

“En el curso de desarrollo personal y organizativo Barbara aportó una perspectiva más práctica y cercana de los problemas y situaciones a las que nos enfrentábamos. Nos ayudó en la conducción y construcción del equipo enfrentándonos a nuestras fortalezas y debilidades individuales y colectivas de forma natural.”

Oliver Ribera Gil, Head of Legal Department at Desigual

“Au premier coup d´oeil, j´ai sû que le fait d´avoir Barbara comme professeur lors de notre stage de developpement personnel et organisationnel, allait être un énorme atout pour le groupe.
A travers son regard astucieux, elle a sû observer nos forces et nos faiblesses pour nous aider à bâtir une équipe soudée et complémentaire, capable de franchir toutes les limites. Faire un bout du chemin ensemble nous a apporté fraîcheur et dynamisme ! ”

Carlos Marín, President at Grosfillex

“Como directivo en una compañía de más de 80.000 personas considero indispensable la creación de equipos que puedan trabajar juntos en una dinámica de alto conocimiento y de plena confianza. Destacaría de Bárbara como “excelente” la metodología utilizada en sus clases, su calidad como profesora, la dinámica de grupo, su entretenida forma de trabajar con los directivos y su efectiva comunicación. En sus sesiones encontré la cohesión que buscaba entre mis directivos y un nuevo afán de superación en todos ellos.”

Oscar Cavero, Dr. Regional para Cataluña GRUPO EULEN

“With a splendid commitment and complicity, Barbara strengthened the team to become a unit through trust among members, proving an extraordinary empathy, and providing feedback within being part of the team. Simply extraordinary!”

David Ochayta, Managing Director oYs Integra

“It has been a pleasure to have Barbara as coach. She managed to guide our team to the objectives in a natural way and getting the Best of each one of us. Firm on the purpose to make us fill as a team, she managed every situation in positive mode and developed our skills. Barbara guides everyone towards personal growth and team building.”

Xavier Kessels, In-store Marketing Manager Philips Lighting

“Barbara is an excellent professional, talented, extremely responsible and customer-oriented, with great management skills. She’s always looking for another challenge. She can handle important workloads and perfectly deal with pressure while encourage her team to reach better level of performance. And the most important thing, she’s very nice person and passionate of her work.”

Germán Montero Mazza, Planning, Budget & Business Analytics, Project Management, Manager.